LCD Soundsystem and a patio full of chattering Argentinians: 02 de mayo de 2015

LCD Soundsystem and a patio full of chattering Argentinians, they crack each other up.

If you don’t let everything spill out, you won’t be able to sift the gold from the shit, you won’t find art if you haven’t seen all your options. So keep writing, keep babbling alone. You must know all sides and be objective. Search for quality, ignore sexual vibes, put on a hoodie too big and intend to walk slack and loose, confident, comfortable. Stare at someone with lidded eyes and no smile, don’t blink when they notice you, don’t turn away, don’t end your sentences. Maybe you’ll laugh eventually, a big smile, and he will laugh, too.

They talk in raised voices, “¿Vos me entendés lo que estoy diciendo?” They argue about choripan and laugh hysterically. I write hysterically, behind them on the step by the windows, eavesdropping. I document everything; I am a journalist, a spy, Microsoft Word.

The nights have been getting progressively colder, and I’m not looking forward to winter. It always makes me feel colder inside, I shrink into myself and hesitate, too mentally frozen to move quickly. Is it anxiety? Indecision? Influenced by the temperature? Influenced by my cultural blindness-bias? You have to help me see, you have to help me understand. I think they’re talking about me.