Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio: 04 de junio de 2015

Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio, y fumé taaaanto en el lugar secreto mientras leía un libro gigante llena de las aventuras de Marco Polo. Cuando bajé la escalera y entré en el comedor, me preguntó, “¿Estabas fumando?” Me miró sospechoso en los ojos y yo, demasiada calma, tranquila, físicamente bajada, pesada en el pecho, con todo el mundo más despacio, le dije, “……Uhh…….”

Me puso paranoica. Me dijo, “Todos saben que estabas fumando, podían sentir el olor de tu paraguayo de mierda….”

“¡Fue rico!” le protesté, casi sonriendo. Me di cuenta que el viaje era muy bueno, y sabía que era necesario que lo disfrutara, así que olvidé mi paranoia y salí para explorar el mundo real. Y después,

I started thinking about all the different relationships I have with people, and it totally freaks me out. I want to be the same with everyone. I want to be infinitely honest and open. I want to look at old picture albums and hang out with my family, and if I could get them all to smoke weed together, it’d be the clash of so many psychological and mental worlds — every dimension, every phase, every change, pasted over one another. Relationship schemas twisted like silly putty from the 90’s and we’re all tripping out.

It’s like, Grandma already has gauges and tats, she might as well smoke a bowl with me.

Boys on bikes, the sun tinted amber in the heavy autumn air, as if everyone had smoked this paraguayo rico that I did, and we all just collapse on benches and open books and think of poems and laugh randomly. We let the deep, burnt-orange leaves and the clicking and chattering of neon green parrots in high-up tree branches inspire us. These parrots’ nests are intricately, carefully built, upside-down bowls with a widened funnel opening they fly into and hang upside down from. They deftly adjust twigs with sharp little beaks, building and adding and correcting, always. They throw energy waves at me and I try to ride them with intuition, hoping for a creation worthy of the words “good quality.”