My pupils must be vibrating: 03 de enero de 2014

I can’t stop laughing, it’s like I literally don’t know what I’m saying. I don’t know how long is appropriate to look at someone. I’m so jittery my whole chest and shoulders feel like white light is bursting in tiny pillars through them. My pupils must be vibrating. I can’t stand the candy in my mouth.

I think I’ve been misinterpreting everything, but it’s only cuz this song matches how twitchy I am. I imagine everyone’s relationships with each other as very easily defined, but as I look at everyone again in a new moment, I change my definition. A switch occurs and begets entirely new, different relationships. They could be so warped and not true at all. Ah, the misjudgments you could make about a person!

He is like a very big little kid. He clicks the mouse furiously, brow shaped like a capital V, head shaking to refuse a joint being passed to him. So serious.


BAM I remember last night’s dream, chasing me down a main street, climbing into apartment windows to escape, only for smiling faces to merge into one evil.

He says without looking up, “We are winning,” and his frown becomes slightly less down. And I wonder if I am such a welcoming being that people are immediately drawn to me, or become my friend quickly without much effort.

I’m so high, I thought this could work.

What would work?

I don’t know!

Now I’m doubting my assumptions, and I realize, shit, why did I even have assumptions???

Captura de pantalla 2018-05-19 a la(s) 17.19.32