Thinking about thinking: 25 de septiembre de 2013
I’m too self-aware. All I can think about is that I’m thinking, I can’t zone out and forget where I am and what I’m doing. I don’t zone out when I’m high, either. I am still very much focused on…
He works at the library: 16 de septiembre de 2013
We smoked pot, and wondering if I should put in eye drops, I ask him if my eyes are high. Looking up, his vision directed above my head, he says, “Um, yes! They are very high.” He works at the…
a couple poems: 04, 15 de septiembre de 2013
☯️04 de septiembre de 2013 10 AM, a small dose of comatose makes a shiver erupt from this medium frame. Although autumn hasn’t dripped off the trees in blood-red orange and shades of bananas in varying stages of fruition, I…
Self-absorbed abstractions: 01 de septiembre de 2013
I kept wanting to completely let go and conquer that self-consciousness, but I couldn’t. It was a physical thing, attached and palpable and squishy and I couldn’t get rid of it. I don’t have that with Kaia, like I do…
Time for a flashback from another life: 12 de agosto de 2013
Sitting on the back porch in the evening feels really good because it’s not insufferably hot and I’m hidden by green and I don’t have to get up early tomorrow so there’s time! Time for everything, for thought, for space,…
Your pupils dilate: 22 de junio de 2013
To be alone is when music slices into your visceral perception. Your pupils dilate, your pupils are massive black suns burning my neurons and sucking my memories away, like lint pulled off clothes from the dryer, or stray hairs from…
My honesty is flowing and coherent: 01 de junio de 2013
Is my diary completely honest? His honesty manifested in writing would be vulgar. Cum-stained blankets from white hospital rooms with bars in the windows, and slits in the doors for porridge. My honesty is flowing and coherent, vague ideas growing…
Inhale my waves: 26 de mayo de 2013
Today is super baked and residual hiiighs and tiny writing. Poppyseed muffins, French, drawings, the collective as more than the sum of the parts. Antique pearly jewelry, found objects, scratchy pen scrawl, USE YOUR WORDS, use your worlds, inhale my…
A past lover made me so abstract: 18 de mayo de 2013
INDECISION GRIPS ME IT DOES It has tied me down, I am frozen, immobile. I will defeat you, I will write you into oblivion, I will figure you out, I will sift through the insanity and find what’s real. It…
He moves slow and full of care: 05 de mayo de 2015
I have found someone that touches me right. For this small moment, at least. He moves slow and full of care. Never have I been lost so quickly in that touch sense without thought, without thinking of the next move.…