losing things, finding things: 07 July 2012

Sweat, smoke, thin dresses, losing things, finding things, breeze and darker overcast skies, ruffles fluttering in the wind, a balcony with a bench, flowers, an ash tray, how this slightly reminds me of another world, maybe a dream world, making a connection between neurons, TVs behind windows and blinds, soft laughter, a twitch in your eye, balancing a cigarette lightly between your lips, good posture, eating random things that sound tasty in the moment but never real meals,

dainty, frilly, delicate, poised, balanced and rhythmic, the word “loquacious,” staring off into the distance, inside your own mind and a different world, the soles of your feet dirty from walking barefoot, mechanical pencils, clouds that are pink and orange and ready to burst, ripe with the sun’s descent, waiting in queues, rushing to finish something when you’re late, leaving it unfinished,