I feel that nostalgia fall always brings: 10 marzo 2014 – 4 abril 2014
The days feel as if they were whizzing past, streaked, blurry greens and grays swirling into the colours of fall. Wrinkled, crackly tan leaves have started appearing everywhere. I feel that nostalgia fall always brings, misting off the tips of…
Sudamérica, el inicio: 15 de febrero de 2014
Sudamérica, el incio: I think I’m afraid of people not doing what they say they will do. When I’m high my perceptions are warped, there is a great difference in mind state while sober. You can’t think high is better…
“Nada personal”: 20 de julio de 2015
I will remember boxed wine and paraguayo. Spanish all around me, no inspiration, only inspiration. Crying in pain, laughing in ecstasy, wanting to remember and wanting to forget. I will remember you, because my memory is quite good. “Nada personal” de…