I wanted to go to El Buen Dios: 05 de marzo de 2015
I realized I never talked about that night last week at my guy friend’s apartment, when I wanted to go to El Buen Dios, because I’ve been there twice and I don’t remember anything from either time (thanks alcohol), but…
My birthday, just another day: 15 de enero de 2015
Been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and I know I could just not feel like that, but easier said than done. Yesterday was my birthday, just another day. I went to the public hospital super early to see about getting…
My pupils must be vibrating: 03 de enero de 2014
I can’t stop laughing, it’s like I literally don’t know what I’m saying. I don’t know how long is appropriate to look at someone. I’m so jittery my whole chest and shoulders feel like white light is bursting in tiny…