Blood, Björk, and Brainwashing: 25 May 2012
Cooling down in Café Nero, it’s hot hot hot! I had a massive headache and needed coffee. Today I bought three books at a cheap bookshop and over-the-knee, black, opaque socks because I am getting blisters on my feet from…
the constant stability of sanity: 24 November 2011
I want immortality, perfection, permanence, security, the constant stability of sanity, to keep everything remembered forever, never forgotten…but truly I don’t want any of these things. I’ll get bored and feel trapped, I’m contradicting myself, fucking up the harmony or…
Good vibrations: 10 November 2011
Good vibrations: black-tipped nails, sweatshirts over dresses, almost finishing a book and starting another, secret uninhabited parts of London that aren’t touristy, cloudy gray mornings with coffee and thick socks and braided hair and alone, wearing the same clothes over…
I started Zoloft again: 12 de noviembre de 2014
I feel like a sage, a master of “letting things be.” I started Zoloft again three days ago and it’s been making me feel like vomiting, just vaguely, under-the-surface-enough so that I don’t actually do it. It also gives me…
I want to smoke cigarettes in outdoor cafes: 02 de mayo de 2014
I want to wear jewelry and paint my nails and smoke cigarettes in outdoor cafes while drinking coffee and writing. I want to eat healthy food, cook healthy food, smoke weed and drink mate with friends and talk about the…
Jesús María: 21 de enero de 2015
I keep putting off writing about the other night when we went to Jesús María, where there is a rodeo or something but we never went to it. Instead we bought cheap sangria in this huge night street market and…
Mi aniversario de un año y un mes en Sudamérica: 19 de enero de 2015
Hoy es mi aniversario de un año y un mes en Sudamérica. La gente acá en el hostel, los viajeros, siempre me preguntan, “¿Por cuánto tiempo te vas a quedar en Córdoba?” Y no tengo ninguna idea de qué debo…
Wear your body loosely and move comfortably: 28 de octubre de 2013
Knowledge as attractive, feeling like I’m not learning and progressing and becoming more self-aware. Get a mentor, wear your body loosely and move comfortably, slouchy, act as if your body is such an un-burden that you don’t even notice it,…
No sé quién soy en este idioma: 04 de diciembre de 2014
No sé qué está pasando. No sé quién soy en este idioma, pero la puedo sentir, la otra….. Now feels so good because I’m on the patio atrás with this book of inspiration (written by yours truly!) and a gray…