Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio: 04 de junio de 2015
Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio, y fumé taaaanto en el lugar secreto mientras leía un libro gigante llena de las aventuras de Marco Polo. Cuando bajé la escalera y entré en el comedor, me preguntó,…
Everyone is serious: 08 de abril de 2015
Everyone is serious, models on a catwalk terrified of tripping. My eyes are so dry it’s hard to make calm, consistent eye contact, and I stutter and trip over my words, squinty-eyed with contact lenses and a nervous smile. Antes…
Dim lights and jazz music: 01 de abril de 2015
Dim lights and jazz music. Today I wanted to be a hippie, a reporter, Buddha; a person with perfect calm confidence and no doubt. You are a person of talent. You, you have got something special. I feel pressured to…
This is the sixth sense: 26 de noviembre de 2013
Diary entries, miscommunications, the prickly feeling on your skin when you can sense so strongly other people’s emotions in waves multiplying exponentially. This is the sixth sense, the psychological sense, the sense pulled into being by la marihuana; la marihuana,…
Some strange tribute to the genius of man: 24 de diciembre de 2014
It’s 20:00 and I’m sitting on a bench in the warm wind, watching the cars stream past, lights flashing, blinkers clicking, some strange tribute to the genius of man, but abused and forlorn, slave to tall yellow stoplights and the…