One cigarette on rare occasions is all right: 25 de diciembre de 2014
It’s about 5am, I’m outside on the patio smoking a minty cigarette I stole from a pack someone left out here. Smoking is so bad for you! But I decided one cigarette on rare occasions is alright. Perfectly acceptable, although…
Vendiendo burbujeros en la feria: 21 de diciembre de 2014
We are selling burbujeros – giant bubble-making wands – at the feria in Parque Las Heras. You don’t have to pay to enter, or get permission from the municipalidad. Just find an open space that isn’t inhabited by other people…
He moves slow and full of care: 05 de mayo de 2015
I have found someone that touches me right. For this small moment, at least. He moves slow and full of care. Never have I been lost so quickly in that touch sense without thought, without thinking of the next move.…
Some strange tribute to the genius of man: 24 de diciembre de 2014
It’s 20:00 and I’m sitting on a bench in the warm wind, watching the cars stream past, lights flashing, blinkers clicking, some strange tribute to the genius of man, but abused and forlorn, slave to tall yellow stoplights and the…
Inhaling roughly that black cancer air: 29 de abril de 2014
Inhaling roughly that black cancer air, the world twitching and swirly for a few seconds after. Insatiable need for brain changes that never come, for the feeling of risk and chance and what could occur when the opportunities are taken,…
4/20 was so fucked up: 22 de abril de 2014
4/20 was so fucked up, in a good way. Sonja, Agustín, and I smoked a joint in Agustín’s room and listened to music. We talked about so many beautiful things. I was astounded because I realized they are both very…
I got super high because it was my birthday: 15 de enero de 2014
So last night I got super high because it was my birthday and I was bored just waiting around for the asado and no one was doing anything, and it made everything so fucking confusing! One of the young guys…