losing things, finding things: 07 July 2012
Sweat, smoke, thin dresses, losing things, finding things, breeze and darker overcast skies, ruffles fluttering in the wind, a balcony with a bench, flowers, an ash tray, how this slightly reminds me of another world, maybe a dream world, making…
disappointment: 15 May 2012
disappointment, going back to America as degeneration, loneliness?, maybe not, coffee and cigarettes, wine and cheese and chocolate, annoyed with Moe’s lack of social perception, disbelief at how people are horrible at perceiving others’ feelings and emotions, long nails, long…
the constant stability of sanity: 24 November 2011
I want immortality, perfection, permanence, security, the constant stability of sanity, to keep everything remembered forever, never forgotten…but truly I don’t want any of these things. I’ll get bored and feel trapped, I’m contradicting myself, fucking up the harmony or…
A guy: 17 de febrero de 2015
So I got a waitressing job last week for the weekend. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The guy that called to tell me was the guy I handed my resume to: young, dark hair and skin, thick glasses and a broad smile,…
Fernet and cola under the stars: 04 de enero de 2015
The start of my new year was kind of una mierda. New Year’s Eve we had the hostel to ourselves: Kate, who I played soccer with in college, chiquita, blonde hair, blue eyes, and the most beautiful clear skin, as…
I find myself missing him less and less: 13 de noviembre de 2013
As the days without him go on I find myself missing him less and less, thinking about him less and less. We went to a coffee shop the other day to do homework and he ended up leaving and walking…
“Nada personal”: 20 de julio de 2015
I will remember boxed wine and paraguayo. Spanish all around me, no inspiration, only inspiration. Crying in pain, laughing in ecstasy, wanting to remember and wanting to forget. I will remember you, because my memory is quite good. “Nada personal” de…