losing things, finding things: 07 July 2012
Sweat, smoke, thin dresses, losing things, finding things, breeze and darker overcast skies, ruffles fluttering in the wind, a balcony with a bench, flowers, an ash tray, how this slightly reminds me of another world, maybe a dream world, making…
Writing is me processing every thought: 20 de febrero de 2015
Writing is me processing every thought. Last night Manuel told me, “Pienso que la gente piensa demasiado,” when I asked him if he thought that the majority of people think about things that actually matter. He said he thought it’d…
I feel creativity buzzing inside everything: 12 de diciembre de 2014
My brain is starting to clog with inspiration and excitement. I feel so attractive here, so surrounded by beautiful, fashionable people that look at me like I am one of them, another work of art to be respected and admired.…
My pupils must be vibrating: 03 de enero de 2014
I can’t stop laughing, it’s like I literally don’t know what I’m saying. I don’t know how long is appropriate to look at someone. I’m so jittery my whole chest and shoulders feel like white light is bursting in tiny…