Your opinions and judgments of others are projections of yourself: 12, 15 de octubre de 2013
☯️12 octubre 2013: Notes Your opinions and judgments of others are projections of yourself, your own disastrous mixture of emotion and intellect. There are people that need you, that think you’re brilliant and irreplaceable. Make something for someone else, write…
Random snippets from the black hole of the past: 24 de agosto de 2014
Random snippets from the black hole of the past: It’s like, what are we all supposed to be doing anyway? In Viña del Mar, I felt I wanted a small café right on the ocean, cheap and with a certain…
Acting is fearless exaggeration: 15 junio 2015
Acting is fearless exaggeration. If you could do it perfectly you’d be a subtle, powerful energy source. I’d feed off you relentlessly, mimicking your faces, searching for sincerity and satire in every emotion. Would we mirror each other? Would we…
“Psicodelianarkocorrida” by Xuan Pablo Gonzalez: 18 de junio de 2015
Vino tinto, we sit at a tiny round dinner table talking. I write, sip, read excerpts from a book called “Psicodelianarkocorrida” by Xuan Pablo Gonzalez. I tune out, drift back in, pay attention to what’s being said. I rarely say…