losing things, finding things: 07 July 2012
Sweat, smoke, thin dresses, losing things, finding things, breeze and darker overcast skies, ruffles fluttering in the wind, a balcony with a bench, flowers, an ash tray, how this slightly reminds me of another world, maybe a dream world, making…
dim lamplight and a darkening sky: 12 January 2012
Cheese, hand warmers, eye contact and shy smiles, vibrant hair, perceptions of beauty, eye makeup, television shows, a thick luster, jewelry, running, feeling so good after running, shopping for birthday gifts, getting mail, not feeling anxious for a really long…
We have to get a little bit crazy: 04 de febrero de 2015
We have to get a little bit crazy. It’s the only way to get into each other’s heads. ¿Estoy alucinando? Sí, sí. Sólo quiero estar tan volada hasta el punto de alucinación. Y hablar con otras personas que son tan…