A list of things I love about you: 13 de julio de 2015
Let me tell you before I forget that I love you. I love to be around you. I love your strong embrace and your torpeza and your giant, bear-like mannerisms. I love you in the way I love Soda Stereo…
Hitchhiking: 25 de marzo de 2015
Hitchhiking is frustrating when you’re limited on time, when you’ve got to work at midnight and it’s already five-ish and you’ve got a nine hour drive ahead of you. That means you’re already two hours late, and no one wants…
We’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta: 24 de marzo de 2015
Now we’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta in the unnatural glare of white light that floods the area where cars pump gas. Tanks are refilled with that toxic liquid fueling the metal mechanism our wild intelligence created.…
Dim lights and jazz music: 01 de abril de 2015
Dim lights and jazz music. Today I wanted to be a hippie, a reporter, Buddha; a person with perfect calm confidence and no doubt. You are a person of talent. You, you have got something special. I feel pressured to…
Hoy es en español: 12 de febrero de 2015
Hoy es viento y un cielo sin nubes, un vestido de colores, intentando de pensar en español, de encontrar la motivación de hablar en español, escribir en español. Necesito analizar mis pensamientos en español, y ahora me doy cuenta que…