Where are you? 22 February 2012
Things: I can’t love anyone. I can’t enjoy physicality, all I want is to not touch anyone, to sleep alone, to sit in the shower and be silent and feel the warmth mixing with my own mind and my secret…
A guy: 17 de febrero de 2015
So I got a waitressing job last week for the weekend. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The guy that called to tell me was the guy I handed my resume to: young, dark hair and skin, thick glasses and a broad smile,…
This is the sixth sense: 26 de noviembre de 2013
Diary entries, miscommunications, the prickly feeling on your skin when you can sense so strongly other people’s emotions in waves multiplying exponentially. This is the sixth sense, the psychological sense, the sense pulled into being by la marihuana; la marihuana,…
Everything is related until infinity: 23 de abril de 2015
Men just make me so fucking weird, what do they want? What do they think I want, and how does my perspective of their opinion influence my reaction to them, my interactions with them? There are too many spirals circling…
I got super high because it was my birthday: 15 de enero de 2014
So last night I got super high because it was my birthday and I was bored just waiting around for the asado and no one was doing anything, and it made everything so fucking confusing! One of the young guys…
Warping: 06 de agosto de 2015
Warping: Today I woke at 7:40 after sleeping badly due to nervous jitterbugs jumpin’ my stomach muscles like mini trampolines bouncing. I had mi mochila grande, mi mochila verde, la jaula de la Chiqi, a bag of food and the…