This high is heavy like the droopy gray sky of my early Tuesday morning: 09 de junio de 2015
This high is heavy like the droopy gray sky of my early Tuesday morning. The sound of the shower stirred me awake at seven, the sky a vast darkness, lightening from navy into a militant, ashy gray. I turned on…
People that want to take charge and direct the conversation: 25 de abril de 2014
People that are poised and alert, waiting for the moment they can turn the conversation towards themselves, always ready to share their perspective. People that want to take charge and direct the conversation through the route they desire, instead of…
We’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta: 24 de marzo de 2015
Now we’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta in the unnatural glare of white light that floods the area where cars pump gas. Tanks are refilled with that toxic liquid fueling the metal mechanism our wild intelligence created.…
Sitting on the patio alone: 28 de enero de 2015
Sitting on the patio alone in the shade with a lukewarm coffee. Today is sunny but there’s a luxurious cool breeze rustling the hair on my arms and whisking away any negative thoughts that flicker into being. Such as the…