This high is heavy like the droopy gray sky of my early Tuesday morning: 09 de junio de 2015
This high is heavy like the droopy gray sky of my early Tuesday morning. The sound of the shower stirred me awake at seven, the sky a vast darkness, lightening from navy into a militant, ashy gray. I turned on…
Dim lights and jazz music: 01 de abril de 2015
Dim lights and jazz music. Today I wanted to be a hippie, a reporter, Buddha; a person with perfect calm confidence and no doubt. You are a person of talent. You, you have got something special. I feel pressured to…
Why do we always ask why?: 05 junio 2015
Why? Why do we always ask why, when so often there is clearly no answer? We are forever trapped by our own perspectives. To try to act in any other manner is always this fantastic failed attempt at escaping any…
Fire: 22 de julio de 2015
Fire licks, slurps, and crackles happily, depending on the type of wood. I want a bonfire to swallow my night whole, stars and moon and wine and words. I think of Sam McGee. I think of his mystery bestowed upon…