I started Zoloft again: 12 de noviembre de 2014
I feel like a sage, a master of “letting things be.” I started Zoloft again three days ago and it’s been making me feel like vomiting, just vaguely, under-the-surface-enough so that I don’t actually do it. It also gives me…
We’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta: 24 de marzo de 2015
Now we’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta in the unnatural glare of white light that floods the area where cars pump gas. Tanks are refilled with that toxic liquid fueling the metal mechanism our wild intelligence created.…
I feel like such an alien: 27 de diciembre de 2014
I feel like such an alien. I miss Raúl, but I’m mad at him for being so weirdly judgmental in a way. I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing. He has to be with Ximena, who I…
Vendiendo burbujeros en la feria: 21 de diciembre de 2014
We are selling burbujeros – giant bubble-making wands – at the feria in Parque Las Heras. You don’t have to pay to enter, or get permission from the municipalidad. Just find an open space that isn’t inhabited by other people…
I feel I am a new being, everything before is only a shadow in the past: 11 de diciembre de 2014
I feel my head full of tension, a stress reaction to the paratoxicity that is the only form of marijuana that is cheap-ish and usually available. Paraguayo, no flores. Hay que cortarlo como si fuera una barra de pan. I…
This is the sixth sense: 26 de noviembre de 2013
Diary entries, miscommunications, the prickly feeling on your skin when you can sense so strongly other people’s emotions in waves multiplying exponentially. This is the sixth sense, the psychological sense, the sense pulled into being by la marihuana; la marihuana,…
Wear your body loosely and move comfortably: 28 de octubre de 2013
Knowledge as attractive, feeling like I’m not learning and progressing and becoming more self-aware. Get a mentor, wear your body loosely and move comfortably, slouchy, act as if your body is such an un-burden that you don’t even notice it,…
He works at the library: 16 de septiembre de 2013
We smoked pot, and wondering if I should put in eye drops, I ask him if my eyes are high. Looking up, his vision directed above my head, he says, “Um, yes! They are very high.” He works at the…
Time for a flashback from another life: 12 de agosto de 2013
Sitting on the back porch in the evening feels really good because it’s not insufferably hot and I’m hidden by green and I don’t have to get up early tomorrow so there’s time! Time for everything, for thought, for space,…
A past lover made me so abstract: 18 de mayo de 2013
INDECISION GRIPS ME IT DOES It has tied me down, I am frozen, immobile. I will defeat you, I will write you into oblivion, I will figure you out, I will sift through the insanity and find what’s real. It…