I started Zoloft again: 12 de noviembre de 2014
I feel like a sage, a master of “letting things be.” I started Zoloft again three days ago and it’s been making me feel like vomiting, just vaguely, under-the-surface-enough so that I don’t actually do it. It also gives me…
Everyone thinks I understand everything: 22 de noviembre de 2014
I think I’m at the point in learning Spanish where everyone thinks I understand everything. Twitchy, distracted, unfocused, breathing hard, absorbing everything. I could feel all my thoughts, all physical movements as positive or negative energy, all shifting and morphing…
Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio: 04 de junio de 2015
Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio, y fumé taaaanto en el lugar secreto mientras leía un libro gigante llena de las aventuras de Marco Polo. Cuando bajé la escalera y entré en el comedor, me preguntó,…
It’s like I’ve been gone for so long in an unhappier, less calm self: 20 de abril de 2015
It’s like I’ve been gone for so long in an unhappier, less calm self, a self more rigid with uncertainty. He necesitado hacer esto por tanto tiempo. Everything’s flushed down the toilet, there’s sparkles in mine eyes. I feel real…
We’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta: 24 de marzo de 2015
Now we’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta in the unnatural glare of white light that floods the area where cars pump gas. Tanks are refilled with that toxic liquid fueling the metal mechanism our wild intelligence created.…
Try to think carefully before you speak: 17 de marzo de 2015
Try to think carefully before you speak. You have the right to speak slowly, thoughtfully. We have to be organized, structured, without waste. Or rather, recycling waste completely. It has a purpose. To be direct and honest is a virtue.…
If you talk about the game, you lose the game: 13 de marzo de 2015
If you talk about the game, you lose the game. You expose yourself, your twisty hints, the meaning of any half-smile, your seemingly subtle motives. Maybe it’s best to talk in questions, never directly state your intentions or the reasons…
Unblocked: 28 de febrero de 2015
Well, Manuel unblocked me, I knew he would. Some people I work with went out the other night and they saw him at the bar! Dan talked to him, drunken Canadian con una onda buena. And then Manuel texts me,…
My birthday, just another day: 15 de enero de 2015
Been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and I know I could just not feel like that, but easier said than done. Yesterday was my birthday, just another day. I went to the public hospital super early to see about getting…
Choripan night: 11 de enero de 2015
Last night was choripan night in the hostel, and I worked from 4pm to midnight, my first day shift. Well, “day” meaning not after midnight, when I usually work. It was fun to talk to all the people, sell alcohol,…