to banksy: 13 February 2012
TO BANKSY: I want everything that’s in your mind, I need a revolution, I need something secret and important to give me a purpose, to show me life means something more than surviving. I want it to be mine and…
Somehow it always comes in the night: 26 de febrero de 2015
I knew I’d win the psychological war. Somehow it always comes in the night. The sky is gray and the tip of this microfiber pen is sexy and fresh. There are black soaring pinpricks way high up: birds in the…
He comes to visit me at five in the morning: 26 de diciembre de 2014
He comes to visit me at five in the morning, he sits on the couch and I lay with my head in his lap, his fingers tracing lines, searching. We are silent, and it feels so nice to have someone…