North American anxiety: 08 de enero de 2015
Yesterday I wrote Sawyer a long email about my life right now, and how I don’t want to go back to the states because anxiety and unsureness and uncomfortability (I know it’s not a word but it is now) are…
Fernet and cola under the stars: 04 de enero de 2015
The start of my new year was kind of una mierda. New Year’s Eve we had the hostel to ourselves: Kate, who I played soccer with in college, chiquita, blonde hair, blue eyes, and the most beautiful clear skin, as…
I am skilled at listening, adjusting, adapting: 29 de diciembre de 2014
I feel like people just want to tell me everything. I am skilled at listening, adjusting, adapting, dancing around in their world until we’re chasing each other and I can’t stop the stream of questions funneling out of my mouth…
I feel so magic: 13 de diciembre de 2014
I feel so new, I feel so magic, so feather-like floaty hair and pixelated pinpointed pulseras, colours in every texture. Ink on skin, plastic camera whimsical vibrations, a ring on every finger, long nails, eating a bulbous, shiny apple, reds…
I feel creativity buzzing inside everything: 12 de diciembre de 2014
My brain is starting to clog with inspiration and excitement. I feel so attractive here, so surrounded by beautiful, fashionable people that look at me like I am one of them, another work of art to be respected and admired.…
I feel I am a new being, everything before is only a shadow in the past: 11 de diciembre de 2014
I feel my head full of tension, a stress reaction to the paratoxicity that is the only form of marijuana that is cheap-ish and usually available. Paraguayo, no flores. Hay que cortarlo como si fuera una barra de pan. I…
Ideas unfolding like morphing lotuses: 28 de noviembre de 2013
Heavy fog reminds me of the ocean, open space spread like butter into infinity, my eternal introspective fire crackling and sparking, ideas unfolding like morphing lotuses, pulsing with the salted waves and provoking that same excitement, the anticipation of future…
This is the sixth sense: 26 de noviembre de 2013
Diary entries, miscommunications, the prickly feeling on your skin when you can sense so strongly other people’s emotions in waves multiplying exponentially. This is the sixth sense, the psychological sense, the sense pulled into being by la marihuana; la marihuana,…
I find myself missing him less and less: 13 de noviembre de 2013
As the days without him go on I find myself missing him less and less, thinking about him less and less. We went to a coffee shop the other day to do homework and he ended up leaving and walking…
He moves slow and full of care: 05 de mayo de 2015
I have found someone that touches me right. For this small moment, at least. He moves slow and full of care. Never have I been lost so quickly in that touch sense without thought, without thinking of the next move.…