People that want to take charge and direct the conversation: 25 de abril de 2014
People that are poised and alert, waiting for the moment they can turn the conversation towards themselves, always ready to share their perspective. People that want to take charge and direct the conversation through the route they desire, instead of…
Try to think carefully before you speak: 17 de marzo de 2015
Try to think carefully before you speak. You have the right to speak slowly, thoughtfully. We have to be organized, structured, without waste. Or rather, recycling waste completely. It has a purpose. To be direct and honest is a virtue.…
My birthday, just another day: 15 de enero de 2015
Been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and I know I could just not feel like that, but easier said than done. Yesterday was my birthday, just another day. I went to the public hospital super early to see about getting…
Your opinions and judgments of others are projections of yourself: 12, 15 de octubre de 2013
☯️12 octubre 2013: Notes Your opinions and judgments of others are projections of yourself, your own disastrous mixture of emotion and intellect. There are people that need you, that think you’re brilliant and irreplaceable. Make something for someone else, write…
Get blazed and browse your textbooks: 7 de octubre de 2013
Get blazed and browse your textbooks, your coffee table books, any book. Sit in grandma’s old living room and drink coffee and put your feet on the table, put the flowers in water, invest in a funky tablecloth, ask weird…
A past lover made me so abstract: 18 de mayo de 2013
INDECISION GRIPS ME IT DOES It has tied me down, I am frozen, immobile. I will defeat you, I will write you into oblivion, I will figure you out, I will sift through the insanity and find what’s real. It…
Why do we always ask why?: 05 junio 2015
Why? Why do we always ask why, when so often there is clearly no answer? We are forever trapped by our own perspectives. To try to act in any other manner is always this fantastic failed attempt at escaping any…
Warping: 06 de agosto de 2015
Warping: Today I woke at 7:40 after sleeping badly due to nervous jitterbugs jumpin’ my stomach muscles like mini trampolines bouncing. I had mi mochila grande, mi mochila verde, la jaula de la Chiqi, a bag of food and the…
“Nada personal”: 20 de julio de 2015
I will remember boxed wine and paraguayo. Spanish all around me, no inspiration, only inspiration. Crying in pain, laughing in ecstasy, wanting to remember and wanting to forget. I will remember you, because my memory is quite good. “Nada personal” de…
¡Todo es energía!: 5 de octubre de 2015
¡Todo es energía! Gracias a (Hare) Krishna por: Candles, low lights; I choose it all, therefore it’s a projection of me. Every image on the walls is a tiny shimmer of my reflection. There are infinite images, and my attention…