Everyone thinks I understand everything: 22 de noviembre de 2014
I think I’m at the point in learning Spanish where everyone thinks I understand everything. Twitchy, distracted, unfocused, breathing hard, absorbing everything. I could feel all my thoughts, all physical movements as positive or negative energy, all shifting and morphing…
Writing is me processing every thought: 20 de febrero de 2015
Writing is me processing every thought. Last night Manuel told me, “Pienso que la gente piensa demasiado,” when I asked him if he thought that the majority of people think about things that actually matter. He said he thought it’d…
We have to get a little bit crazy: 04 de febrero de 2015
We have to get a little bit crazy. It’s the only way to get into each other’s heads. ¿Estoy alucinando? Sí, sí. Sólo quiero estar tan volada hasta el punto de alucinación. Y hablar con otras personas que son tan…
I feel so magic: 13 de diciembre de 2014
I feel so new, I feel so magic, so feather-like floaty hair and pixelated pinpointed pulseras, colours in every texture. Ink on skin, plastic camera whimsical vibrations, a ring on every finger, long nails, eating a bulbous, shiny apple, reds…
Cocaína y LSD: 14 de diciembre de 2014
Last night we snorted cocaine, drank only un poquito, and later took a fourth of a tab of LSD, un trip, before going to Belle Epoche, an electronic bar. It was hours of pure insanity, your soul wrenched in every…
I feel creativity buzzing inside everything: 12 de diciembre de 2014
My brain is starting to clog with inspiration and excitement. I feel so attractive here, so surrounded by beautiful, fashionable people that look at me like I am one of them, another work of art to be respected and admired.…
I feel I am a new being, everything before is only a shadow in the past: 11 de diciembre de 2014
I feel my head full of tension, a stress reaction to the paratoxicity that is the only form of marijuana that is cheap-ish and usually available. Paraguayo, no flores. Hay que cortarlo como si fuera una barra de pan. I…
Ideas unfolding like morphing lotuses: 28 de noviembre de 2013
Heavy fog reminds me of the ocean, open space spread like butter into infinity, my eternal introspective fire crackling and sparking, ideas unfolding like morphing lotuses, pulsing with the salted waves and provoking that same excitement, the anticipation of future…
Remember your purpose: 25 de mayo de 2015
Remember your purpose. Carelessness will never be rewarded. You must do everything with utmost thought and precision, dedicated to quality, willing to follow only anything truly just. Don’t let the details trap you, don’t feel bad if you can’t remember…