• 2011

    Good vibrations: 10 November 2011

    Good vibrations: black-tipped nails, sweatshirts over dresses, almost finishing a book and starting another, secret uninhabited parts of London that aren’t touristy, cloudy gray mornings with coffee and thick socks and braided hair and alone, wearing the same clothes over…

  • 2015

    Jesús María: 21 de enero de 2015

    I keep putting off writing about the other night when we went to Jesús María, where there is a rodeo or something but we never went to it. Instead we bought cheap sangria in this huge night street market and…

  • 2014

    Cocaína y LSD: 14 de diciembre de 2014

    Last night we snorted cocaine, drank only un poquito, and later took a fourth of a tab of LSD, un trip, before going to Belle Epoche, an electronic bar. It was hours of pure insanity, your soul wrenched in every…

  • 2014

    4/20 was so fucked up: 22 de abril de 2014

    4/20 was so fucked up, in a good way. Sonja, Agustín, and I smoked a joint in Agustín’s room and listened to music. We talked about so many beautiful things. I was astounded because I realized they are both very…

  • 2015

    Warping: 06 de agosto de 2015

    Warping: Today I woke at 7:40 after sleeping badly due to nervous jitterbugs jumpin’ my stomach muscles like mini trampolines bouncing. I had mi mochila grande, mi mochila verde, la jaula de la Chiqi, a bag of food and the…