losing things, finding things: 07 July 2012
Sweat, smoke, thin dresses, losing things, finding things, breeze and darker overcast skies, ruffles fluttering in the wind, a balcony with a bench, flowers, an ash tray, how this slightly reminds me of another world, maybe a dream world, making…
That weird pleasure: 03 de agosto de 2015
What’s with that weird pleasure one finds in doing something she knows she shouldn’t do? Like smoking cigarettes or eating a fuck-ton of carbs? Yesterday was Sunday and everyone and her fucking grandmother and dog and 20 kids came to…
Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio: 04 de junio de 2015
Compré 40 pesos de ese paraguayo rico del artesano sucio, y fumé taaaanto en el lugar secreto mientras leía un libro gigante llena de las aventuras de Marco Polo. Cuando bajé la escalera y entré en el comedor, me preguntó,…
I wanted to go to El Buen Dios: 05 de marzo de 2015
I realized I never talked about that night last week at my guy friend’s apartment, when I wanted to go to El Buen Dios, because I’ve been there twice and I don’t remember anything from either time (thanks alcohol), but…
This is the sixth sense: 26 de noviembre de 2013
Diary entries, miscommunications, the prickly feeling on your skin when you can sense so strongly other people’s emotions in waves multiplying exponentially. This is the sixth sense, the psychological sense, the sense pulled into being by la marihuana; la marihuana,…
What do you do?: 22 de enero de 2015
A question I would like to ask all young people is “What do you do when you like someone?” What do you do, specifically? Do you ask them a question about their past, or something more surface level first? Or…
Warping: 06 de agosto de 2015
Warping: Today I woke at 7:40 after sleeping badly due to nervous jitterbugs jumpin’ my stomach muscles like mini trampolines bouncing. I had mi mochila grande, mi mochila verde, la jaula de la Chiqi, a bag of food and the…
Fire: 22 de julio de 2015
Fire licks, slurps, and crackles happily, depending on the type of wood. I want a bonfire to swallow my night whole, stars and moon and wine and words. I think of Sam McGee. I think of his mystery bestowed upon…