Your opinions and judgments of others are projections of yourself: 12, 15 de octubre de 2013
☯️12 octubre 2013: Notes Your opinions and judgments of others are projections of yourself, your own disastrous mixture of emotion and intellect. There are people that need you, that think you’re brilliant and irreplaceable. Make something for someone else, write…
Inhaling roughly that black cancer air: 29 de abril de 2014
Inhaling roughly that black cancer air, the world twitching and swirly for a few seconds after. Insatiable need for brain changes that never come, for the feeling of risk and chance and what could occur when the opportunities are taken,…
Fire: 22 de julio de 2015
Fire licks, slurps, and crackles happily, depending on the type of wood. I want a bonfire to swallow my night whole, stars and moon and wine and words. I think of Sam McGee. I think of his mystery bestowed upon…