LCD Soundsystem and a patio full of chattering Argentinians: 02 de mayo de 2015
LCD Soundsystem and a patio full of chattering Argentinians, they crack each other up. If you don’t let everything spill out, you won’t be able to sift the gold from the shit, you won’t find art if you haven’t seen…
Jesús María: 21 de enero de 2015
I keep putting off writing about the other night when we went to Jesús María, where there is a rodeo or something but we never went to it. Instead we bought cheap sangria in this huge night street market and…
“Psicodelianarkocorrida” by Xuan Pablo Gonzalez: 18 de junio de 2015
Vino tinto, we sit at a tiny round dinner table talking. I write, sip, read excerpts from a book called “Psicodelianarkocorrida” by Xuan Pablo Gonzalez. I tune out, drift back in, pay attention to what’s being said. I rarely say…