Blood, Björk, and Brainwashing: 25 May 2012
Cooling down in Café Nero, it’s hot hot hot! I had a massive headache and needed coffee. Today I bought three books at a cheap bookshop and over-the-knee, black, opaque socks because I am getting blisters on my feet from…
Where are you? 22 February 2012
Things: I can’t love anyone. I can’t enjoy physicality, all I want is to not touch anyone, to sleep alone, to sit in the shower and be silent and feel the warmth mixing with my own mind and my secret…
Everyone thinks I understand everything: 22 de noviembre de 2014
I think I’m at the point in learning Spanish where everyone thinks I understand everything. Twitchy, distracted, unfocused, breathing hard, absorbing everything. I could feel all my thoughts, all physical movements as positive or negative energy, all shifting and morphing…
It’s like I’ve been gone for so long in an unhappier, less calm self: 20 de abril de 2015
It’s like I’ve been gone for so long in an unhappier, less calm self, a self more rigid with uncertainty. He necesitado hacer esto por tanto tiempo. Everything’s flushed down the toilet, there’s sparkles in mine eyes. I feel real…
Sitting on the patio alone: 28 de enero de 2015
Sitting on the patio alone in the shade with a lukewarm coffee. Today is sunny but there’s a luxurious cool breeze rustling the hair on my arms and whisking away any negative thoughts that flicker into being. Such as the…