My birthday, just another day: 15 de enero de 2015
Been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and I know I could just not feel like that, but easier said than done. Yesterday was my birthday, just another day. I went to the public hospital super early to see about getting…
I feel so magic: 13 de diciembre de 2014
I feel so new, I feel so magic, so feather-like floaty hair and pixelated pinpointed pulseras, colours in every texture. Ink on skin, plastic camera whimsical vibrations, a ring on every finger, long nails, eating a bulbous, shiny apple, reds…
Cocaína y LSD: 14 de diciembre de 2014
Last night we snorted cocaine, drank only un poquito, and later took a fourth of a tab of LSD, un trip, before going to Belle Epoche, an electronic bar. It was hours of pure insanity, your soul wrenched in every…