People that want to take charge and direct the conversation: 25 de abril de 2014
People that are poised and alert, waiting for the moment they can turn the conversation towards themselves, always ready to share their perspective. People that want to take charge and direct the conversation through the route they desire, instead of…
Armando la carpa, desarmando la carpa: 16 de marzo de 2015
Sandy Birkenstocks, tea in a thermos, children’s books en español, selling burbujeros to the tourists in the weekend market and on the beach, armando la carpa, desarmando la carpa, esperando en el sol, everything dirty and filled with salt and…
Hoy es en español: 12 de febrero de 2015
Hoy es viento y un cielo sin nubes, un vestido de colores, intentando de pensar en español, de encontrar la motivación de hablar en español, escribir en español. Necesito analizar mis pensamientos en español, y ahora me doy cuenta que…
My birthday, just another day: 15 de enero de 2015
Been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and I know I could just not feel like that, but easier said than done. Yesterday was my birthday, just another day. I went to the public hospital super early to see about getting…
Choripan night: 11 de enero de 2015
Last night was choripan night in the hostel, and I worked from 4pm to midnight, my first day shift. Well, “day” meaning not after midnight, when I usually work. It was fun to talk to all the people, sell alcohol,…
I feel so magic: 13 de diciembre de 2014
I feel so new, I feel so magic, so feather-like floaty hair and pixelated pinpointed pulseras, colours in every texture. Ink on skin, plastic camera whimsical vibrations, a ring on every finger, long nails, eating a bulbous, shiny apple, reds…
“Nada personal”: 20 de julio de 2015
I will remember boxed wine and paraguayo. Spanish all around me, no inspiration, only inspiration. Crying in pain, laughing in ecstasy, wanting to remember and wanting to forget. I will remember you, because my memory is quite good. “Nada personal” de…