Good vibrations: 10 November 2011
Good vibrations: black-tipped nails, sweatshirts over dresses, almost finishing a book and starting another, secret uninhabited parts of London that aren’t touristy, cloudy gray mornings with coffee and thick socks and braided hair and alone, wearing the same clothes over…
I wonder if you are the clockmaker: 24 October 2011
I need this journal. I need my own words breathless and sparked and nonsensical and hurtful and published and worrisome and anxious and the death urges. My anemic emotional handwriting that may not be my own, alone. No right, no…
This high is heavy like the droopy gray sky of my early Tuesday morning: 09 de junio de 2015
This high is heavy like the droopy gray sky of my early Tuesday morning. The sound of the shower stirred me awake at seven, the sky a vast darkness, lightening from navy into a militant, ashy gray. I turned on…
Fernet and cola under the stars: 04 de enero de 2015
The start of my new year was kind of una mierda. New Year’s Eve we had the hostel to ourselves: Kate, who I played soccer with in college, chiquita, blonde hair, blue eyes, and the most beautiful clear skin, as…
Blazing stars in a massive black sky: Uruguay, 21 de diciembre de 2013
Last night we drank wine and smoked out of my new pipe, which still does not have a name. We took pictures of frogs, walked to the ocean in the moonlight, waves thundering under the milky way, blazing stars in…
Wear your body loosely and move comfortably: 28 de octubre de 2013
Knowledge as attractive, feeling like I’m not learning and progressing and becoming more self-aware. Get a mentor, wear your body loosely and move comfortably, slouchy, act as if your body is such an un-burden that you don’t even notice it,…