We’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta: 24 de marzo de 2015
Now we’re sitting at a gas station outside of Salta in the unnatural glare of white light that floods the area where cars pump gas. Tanks are refilled with that toxic liquid fueling the metal mechanism our wild intelligence created.…
En realidad creamos nuestra suerte: 19 de marzo de 2015
Estamos volados sentados al lado de la ruta 27 para hacer dedo. Hoy es un día de mala suerte, pero en realidad creamos nuestra suerte. Fabricamos nuestra suerte. Hay relámpagos al fondo del mundo, un cielo más oscuro, y acá…
Try to think carefully before you speak: 17 de marzo de 2015
Try to think carefully before you speak. You have the right to speak slowly, thoughtfully. We have to be organized, structured, without waste. Or rather, recycling waste completely. It has a purpose. To be direct and honest is a virtue.…
Armando la carpa, desarmando la carpa: 16 de marzo de 2015
Sandy Birkenstocks, tea in a thermos, children’s books en español, selling burbujeros to the tourists in the weekend market and on the beach, armando la carpa, desarmando la carpa, esperando en el sol, everything dirty and filled with salt and…
Dim lights and jazz music: 01 de abril de 2015
Dim lights and jazz music. Today I wanted to be a hippie, a reporter, Buddha; a person with perfect calm confidence and no doubt. You are a person of talent. You, you have got something special. I feel pressured to…
If you talk about the game, you lose the game: 13 de marzo de 2015
If you talk about the game, you lose the game. You expose yourself, your twisty hints, the meaning of any half-smile, your seemingly subtle motives. Maybe it’s best to talk in questions, never directly state your intentions or the reasons…
I wanted to go to El Buen Dios: 05 de marzo de 2015
I realized I never talked about that night last week at my guy friend’s apartment, when I wanted to go to El Buen Dios, because I’ve been there twice and I don’t remember anything from either time (thanks alcohol), but…
Unblocked: 28 de febrero de 2015
Well, Manuel unblocked me, I knew he would. Some people I work with went out the other night and they saw him at the bar! Dan talked to him, drunken Canadian con una onda buena. And then Manuel texts me,…
Writing is me processing every thought: 20 de febrero de 2015
Writing is me processing every thought. Last night Manuel told me, “Pienso que la gente piensa demasiado,” when I asked him if he thought that the majority of people think about things that actually matter. He said he thought it’d…